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Issue #30 - February 2002 - More Bushit!

8:48 AM 2/10/02
Rewriting History in Oval Office

By: Marianne Means  Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Either White House press secretary Ari Fleischer needs a lesson in American history or he thinks we know so little about our national past that we would buy a blatant political spin that disparages the Founding Fathers.

Incredibly, Fleischer recently defended the White House insistence on keeping the names of the participants in Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force a secret by claiming that the precedent for such arrogant behavior was set by the drafters of the Constitution.

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7:31 AM 2/10/02
Very Little Humor

Lay and the Congress - Dan Wasserman

7:15 AM 2/10/02
Humorous (But True) Quotes
"Goddammit! The world is just filling up with more and more idiots! And the computer is giving them access to the world! They're spreading their stupidity! At least they were contained before - now they're on the loose everywhere!"

- Harlan Ellison, in The Onion

7:05 AM 2/10/02
Republican Agenda Rules the War on Terrorism

By: Simon Tisdall  The Guardian

European and international reaction to George Bush's "axis of evil" state of the union address has ranged from unenthusiastic to downright hostile. Although the U.S. administration, and many Americans, may not be particularly worried about that, it spells the end of the September 11 international consensus and could produce big problems down the road - at home and abroad.

Judging by what Mr Bush said, and by the statements of other leading official such as the national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, and the deputy Pentagon chief, Paul Wolfowitz, America's post-Afghanistan defence and security policy will have three main prongs.

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6:32 AM 2/10/02
Putsch's First Budget
Even Wrapped in the Flag, It Still Stinks

By: Bryan Zepp Jamieson  Zepp's Political Commentary

Putsch's first budget is out, and if you need any evidence that Putsch and his junta are a bunch of mean, greedy, short-sighted, stupid bastards, the proof is all there in black and white.

Nine billion cut from highway spending. The sort of people propping up the junta don't use the highways much, and see no reason to spend their hard-stolen dollars on a bunch of plebes who were too stupid to stop them from stealing the government. Survival of the fittest. Fix your own damn potholes, chumps. Oh, and by the way, kiss Amtrak goodbye. It's one thing to give billions to the airlines, which Putsch's rich buddies use. Only common people use trains.

Twenty five percent cut in payroll taxes. Payroll taxes paid by employers, not employees...

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3:23 PM 2/9/02
Beware Unilateral War Without End

By: Helen Thomas  Seattle Post-Intelligencer

President Bush used his State of the Union address and some other recent speeches to flex the nation's military muscle and threaten several nations, designated as the "axis of evil".

Rarely has the world heard a more belligerent American president. His tone and substance have dismayed our allies as much as the targets he cites - Iraq, Iran and North Korea.

Full Article

Go get 'em Helen!

10:04 AM 2/9/02

B etween 1980 and 1989, 138 appointees of the REAGAN administration either resigned under an ethical cloud or were criminally indicted.

The most from any administration in history.

9:23 AM 2/9/02
A Little Humor

Q: How many hippies does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Two, but they have to be really small and able to breathe in a vaccum.

8:45 AM 2/9/02
Quotes Worth Pondering
"It [the Bible] is full of interest. It has noble poetry in it; and some clever fables; and some blood-drenched history; and some good morals; and a wealth of obscenity; and upwards of a thousand lies."

- Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910) "Mark Twain"
"I am myself a dissenter from all known religions, and I hope that every kind of religious belief will die out. I do not believe that, on the balance, religious belief has been a force for good. I regard it as belonging to the infancy of human reason, and to a stage of development which we are outgrowing."

- Lord Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)

8:37 AM 2/9/02
A Prayer of Thanks

From:  Gleaned from the 'Web'

Subject: God, Thanks for the Kids

When I look at a patch of dandelions, I see a bunch of weeds that are going to take over my yard. My kids see flowers for Mom and blowing white fluff, you can wish on.

When I look at an old drunk and he smiles at me, I see a smelly, dirty person who probably wants money and I look away. My kids see someone smiling at them and they smile back.

When I hear music I love, I know I can't carry a tune and don't have much rhythm so I sit self consciously and listen. My kids feel the beat and move to it. They sing out the words. If they don't know them, they make up their own.

When I feel wind on my face, I brace myself against it. I feel it messing up my hair and pulling me back when I walk. My kids close their eyes, spread their arms and fly with it, until they fall to the ground laughing.

When I pray I say thee and thou and grant me this, give me that. My kids say: "Hi God!!! Thanks for my toys and my friends. Please keep the bad dreams away tonight. Sorry, I don't want to go to Heaven yet. I would miss my Mommy and Daddy."

When I see a mud puddle I step around it. I see muddy shoes and clothes and dirty carpets. My kids sit in it. They see dams to build, rivers to cross and worms to play with. I wonder if we are given kids to teach or to learn from?

No wonder God loves the little children!!

6:29 PM 2/8/02
Money-Grubbing Games

By: Paul Krugman  The New York Times

To place the stiffing of New York in context, you need to realize that when it comes to tax cuts and military spending, the Bush administration's budget is an exercise in unrestrained self-indulgence. There is a lot of stirring rhetoric, warning the nation that this is a time of war, in which everyone must make sacrifices - but this austerity does not extend to the wealthiest few percent of the population, who will not only get the lion's share of the future tax cuts already written into law, but would get most of the additional $600 billion in tax cuts the administration now proposes. (Actually it's about $1 trillion without the accounting tricks, but who's counting?)

And while there is much talk of hard choices, the administration seems loath to make any choices at all when it comes to defense spending. Does a subsidiary of the Carlyle Group have a 70-ton artillery piece that made sense, if it ever did, only in the cold-war era? We'll buy it. Do two competing contractors offer advanced fighters designed to fight a nonexistent next generation of MIG's? We'll take both.

But there are big cuts elsewhere, and big diversions of resources that will force future cuts. You know about the diversion of the Social Security surplus to cover deficits in the rest of the government - deficits that would be much smaller if the administration would forgo some of those tax cuts, and would vanish if it also exercised some restraint in its weapons purchases. But did you know that the administration has budgeted $300 billion less for Medicare than the Congressional Budget Office says is needed to maintain current benefits - never mind add-ons like prescription drug insurance? It's unclear whether the administration actually intends to deny medical care to retirees, or is simply trying to hide the sheer scale of the looming fiscal disaster.

Full Article

Just one question...

Are you angry yet?

6:05 PM 2/8/02
`It's Kind of Hard to Believe'
Ex-Enron Workers Rip Skilling's Story

By: Kirstin Downey  The Washington Post

Across Houston, Enron employees watched former chief executive Jeffrey Skilling's congressional testimony on television, turning incredulous, angry and then sarcastic by turns, as a man they knew as savvy and detail-oriented pleaded memory failure and ignorance about critical financial transactions at the now-collapsed energy giant.

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5:22 PM 2/8/02
Very Little Humor

The True "Axis of Evil"

9:02 AM 2/7/02
Bush's Magic Budget

Editorial from:  The Los Angeles Times

With its glossy book format and American flag on the cover, President Bush's $2.1-trillion budget proposal couldn't be better packaged. But its looks aren't fooling anyone who can add. A national poll in Tuesday's Times has a very clear message for Bush: A wide majority of Americans, including two-thirds of Republicans, say they support delaying tax cuts rather than tapping Social Security funds to pay for Bush's extravaganza.

No one questions the need to run a deficit during a recession and war. But excess spending should be targeted, productive and temporary. The Bush plan, requesting $590 billion in additional tax cuts and $550 billion in new military spending over the next decade, is none of these. Some of the heavy weaponry, such as the Crusader howitzer, that the administration wants, makes no sense for fighting terrorism. Nor does speeding up tax cuts or piling on personal and corporate write-offs.

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7:43 AM 2/7/02
Keeping Abreast of Ashcroft's Prudery

By: Cragg Hines  The Houston Chronicle

Where do you start to dissect the tale of John Ashcroft's Justice Department draping over two semi-nude statues in its headquarters building?

Unfortunately, you can start at any point in the sorry story and end up with the same conclusion: Ashcroft almost certainly should not have any decision-making role in the display of art in public places and (this is not new) definitely should not be the nation's principal law-enforcement officer.

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7:15 PM 2/6/02
Bush and Ken Lay: Slip Slidin' Away

By: Sam Parry

George W. Bush is trying to rewrite the history of his and his family's relationship with Enron Corp.'s disgraced former chairman Kenneth Lay. Bush and Enron - joined at the hipSo far, Bush has enjoyed fairly good success as the U.S. news media has largely accepted the White House spin.

But the reality, as established by a wealth of historical record and recent disclosures, is that Lay and Enron were instrumental in Bush's rise to power - and Bush played an important behind-the-scenes role in advancing Enron's aggressive deregulation agenda, which helped the energy trader ascend to its lofty perch as the seventh-biggest U.S. company.

Full Article

Another long - but must read - article exposing the ties between the Bushies and Enron's 'Kenny Boy' Lay.

4:44 PM 2/5/02
The Top Ten Conservative Idiots (Week 53)
Lays Down In The Gutter Edition

From:  Democratic Underground

Make sure you have a box of tissues handy, because this week the Top 10 Conservative Idiots starts off with the Ken and Linda Lay's heartwrenching tale of personal financial tragedy. It's curtains for John Ashcroft (2), who is protecting the nation's C-SPAN junkies from sexual perversion. Meanwhile, Jeb Bush (3) illustrates the wisdom of compassionate conservative child-rearing, Ari Fleischer (4) engages in a little historical revisionism, and Anthony Kennedy (5) suddenly discovers the rule of law. And looking forward to the upcoming festivities in Salt Lake City, we can all be thankful for Generation Life (10) who teach all of us a lesson about the Olympic Spirit.

The Top Ten

4:32 PM 2/5/02
Quotes Worth Pondering
"Whenever there's a Bush in the White House, many people die, and the rest of us are threatened. I just didn't think it would happen quite so quickly."

- Jello Biafra, in the Progressive

6:05 AM 2/5/02
Dubya's First Year

From:  Liberal Slant

In George W. Bush's first year in office he:

  1. Significantly eased field-testing controls of genetically engineered crops.
  2. Cut federal spending on libraries by $39 million.
  3. Cut $35 million in funding for doctors to get advanced pediatric training.
  4. Cut by 50% funding for research into renewable energy sources.
  5. Revoked rules that reduced the acceptable levels of arsenic in drinking water.
  6. Blocked rules that would require federal agencies to offer bilingual assistance to non-English speaking persons. This, from a candidate who would readily fire-up his Spanish-speaking skills in front of would-be Hispanic voters.
  7. Proposed to eliminate new marine protections for the Channel Islands and the coral reefs of northwest Hawaii (San Francisco Chronicle, April 6, 2001).
  8. Cut funding by 28% for research into cleaner, more efficient cars and trucks.
  9. Suspended rules that would have strengthened the government's ability to deny contracts to companies that violated workplace safety, environmental and other federal laws.
  10. OK'd Interior Department appointee Gale Norton to send out letters to state officials soliciting suggestions for opening up national monuments for oil and gas drilling, coal mining, and forestation.
  11. Appointed John Negroponte - an un-indicted high-level Iran Contra figure - to the post of United Nations Ambassador.
  12. Abandoned a campaign pledge to invest $100 million for rain forest conservation.
  13. Reduced by 86% the Community Access Program for public hospitals, clinics and providers of care for people without insurance.
  14. Rescinded a proposal to increase public access to information about the potential consequences resulting from chemical plant accidents.
  15. Suspended rules that would require hard-rock miners to clean up sites on Western public lands.
  16. Cut $60 million from a Boy's and Girl's Clubs of America program for public housing.
  17. Proposed to eliminate a federal program, designed and successfully used in Seattle, to help communities prepare for natural disasters.
  18. Pulled out of the 1997 Kyoto Treaty global warming agreement.
  19. Cut $200 million of work force training for dislocated workers.
  20. Eliminated funding for the Wetlands Reserve Program, which encourages farmers to maintain wetlands habitat on their property.
  21. Cut program to provide childcare to low-income families as they move from welfare to work.
  22. Cut a program that provided prescription contraceptive coverage to federal employees (though it still pays for Viagra).
  23. Cut $700 million in capital funds for repairs in public housing.
  24. Appointed Otto Reich - an un-indicted high-level Iran Contra figure - to Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs.
  25. Cut Environmental Protection Agency budget by $500 million.
  26. Proposed to curtail the ability of groups to sue in order to get an animal placed on the Endangered Species List.
  27. Rescinded the rule that mandated increased energy-saving efficiency regulations for central air conditioners and heat pumps.
  28. Repealed workplace ergonomic rules designed to improve worker health and safety.
  29. Abandoned campaign pledge to regulate carbon dioxide, the waste gas that contributes to global warming.
  30. Banned federal aid to international family planning programs that offer abortion counseling with other independent funds.
  31. Closed White House Office for Women's Health Initiatives and Outreach.
  32. Nominated David Lauriski - ex-mining company executive - to post of Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health.
  33. OK'd Interior Secretary Gale Norton to go forth with a controversial plan to auction oil and gas development tracts off the coast of eastern Florida.
  34. Announced intention to open up Montana's Lewis and Clark National Forest to oil and drilling.
  35. Proposes to re-draw boundaries of nation's monuments, which would technically allow oil and gas drilling "outside" of national monuments.
  36. Gutted White House AIDS Office.
  37. Renegotiating free trade agreement with Jordan to eliminate workers' rights and safeguards for the environment.
  38. Will no longer seek guidance from the American Bar Association in recommendations for the federal judiciary appointments.
  39. Appointed recycling foe Lynn Scarlett as Undersecretary of the Interior.
  40. Took steps to abolish the White House Council on Environmental Quality.
  41. Cut the Community Oriented Policing Services program.
  42. Allowed Interior Secretary Gale Norton to shelve citizen-led grizzly bear re-introduction plan scheduled for Idaho and Montana wilderness.
  43. Continues to hold up federal funding for stem cell research projects.
  44. Makes sure convicted misdemeanor drug users cannot get financial aid for college, though convicted murderers can.
  45. Refused to fund continued cleanup of uranium-slag heap in Utah.
  46. Refused to fund continued litigation of the government's tobacco company lawsuit.
  47. Proposed a $2 trillion tax cut, of which 43% will go to the wealthiest 1% of Americans.
  48. Signed a bill making it harder for poor and middle-class Americans to file for bankruptcy, even in the case of daunting medical bills.
  49. Appointed a Vice President quoted as saying: "If you want to do something about carbon dioxide emissions, then you ought to build nuclear power plants." (Vice President Dick Cheney on Meet the Press.)
  50. Appointed Diana "There is no gender gap in pay" Roth to the Council of Economic Advisers (Boston Globe, March 28, 2001).
  51. Appointed Kay Cole James - an opponent of affirmative action - to direct the Office of Personnel Management.
  52. Cut $15.7 million earmarked for states to investigate cases of child abuse and neglect.
  53. Helped kill a law designed to make it tougher for teenagers to get credit cards.
  54. Proposed elimination of the "Reading is Fundamental" program that gives free books to poor children.
  55. Is pushing for development of small nuclear arms to attack deeply buried targets and weapons, which would violate the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
  56. Proposes to nominate Jeffrey Sutton - attorney responsible for the recent case weakening the Americans with Disabilities Act - to federal appeals court judgeship.
  57. Proposes to reverse regulation protecting 60 million acres of national forest from logging and road building.
  58. Eliminated funding for the "We the People" education program which taught School children about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and citizenship.
  59. Appointed John Bolton - who opposes nonproliferation treaties and the U.N. - to Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security.
  60. Nominated Linda Fisher - an executive with Monsanto - for the number-two job at the Environmental Protection Agency.
  61. Nominated Michael McConnell - leading critic of the separation of church and state - to a federal judgeship.
  62. Nominated Terrence Boyle - ardent opponent of civil rights - to a federal judgeship.
  63. Canceled 2004 deadline for auto-makers to develop prototype high mileage cars.
  64. Nominated Harvey Pitts - lawyer for teen sex video distributor - to head SEC.
  65. Nominated John Walters - strong opponent of prison drug treatment programs - for Drug Czar (Washington Post, May 16, 2001).
  66. Nominated J. Steven Giles - an oil and coal lobbyist - for Deputy Secretary of the Interior.
  67. Nominated Bennett Raley - who advocates repealing the Endangered Species Act - for Assistant Secretary for Water and Science.
  68. Is seeking the dismissal of class-action lawsuit filed in the U.S against Japan by Asian women forced to work as sex slaves during WWII.
  69. Earmarked $4 million in new federal grant money for HIV and drug abuse prevention programs to go only to religious groups and not secular equivalents.
  70. Reduced by 40% the Low Income Home Assistance Program for low-income individuals who need assistance paying energy bills.
  71. Nominated Ted Olson - who has repeatedly lied about his involvement with the Scaiffe-funded "Arkansas Project" to bring down Bill Clinton - for Solicitor General.
  72. Nominated Terrance Boyle - foe of civil rights - to a federal judgeship.
  73. Proposes to ease permit process - including environmental considerations - for refinery, nuclear and hydroelectric dam construction (Washington Post, May 18, 2001).
  74. Proposes to give government the authority to take private property through eminent domain for power lines.
  75. Proposes that $1.2 billion in funding for alternative renewable energy come from selling oil and gas lease tracts in the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve.
  76. Plans on serving genetically engineered foods at all official government functions.
  77. Forced out Forest Service chief Mike Dombeck and appointed a timber industry lobbyist.

7:11 AM 2/4/02
Not Too Late for a War Crimes Tribunal

By: Jim Washburn  Orange County Weekly

Move over, Lincoln - we'd like to blast Ronald Reagan's features onto Mount Rushmore. Erect a monument to him in every county. Engrave him on the $10 bill. Make a book extolling his character and achievements mandatory reading for schoolkids.

He saved us from the Red Threat and from Jimmy Carter. He brought back morning in America. He is America. With a flick of his mighty pen, he turned ketchup into a vegetable. All hail Ronald Reagan!

Jesus, can't we just send him a "Best Wishes" card and leave it at that?

Full Article

A long - but must read - article exploding the myth of Reagan, and exposing the crimes of his administration.

6:03 AM 2/4/02
Humorous (But True) Quotes
"Putting Enron in charge of America's energy policy is like putting Dracula in charge of the Blood Bank."

- Mark Shields, on Capital Gang

10:21 AM 2/3/02
A Strategy's Cautious Evolution
Before Sept. 11, the Bush Anti-Terror Effort Was Mostly Ambition

By: Barton Gellman  The Washington Post

Bush's engagement with terrorism in the first eight months of his term, described in interviews with advisers and contemporary records, tells a story of burgeoning ambition without the commitment of comparably ambitious means. In deliberations and successive drafts of a National Security Presidential Directive approved by Bush's second-ranking advisers on Aug. 13, the declared objective evolved from "rolling back" to "permanently eroding" and eventually to "eliminating" bin Laden's al Qaeda organization.

Cabinet-rank policymakers, or principals, took up the new strategy for the first time on Sept. 4. It called for phased escalation of pressure against Taliban leaders to present them with an unavoidable choice - disgorge al Qaeda or face removal from power.

The directive asked the CIA and the Pentagon to produce options involving force - covert and overt - but it deferred decisions on their use. It had not reached Bush's desk by Sept. 11, and on that day its multiyear plan of single steps became a race to start the war on every front at once.

Full Article

9:44 AM 2/3/02
The Hypocrites of the GOP

GOP Leaders: Invoking Executive Privilege a Mistake

From:  CNN

Two Republican congressional leaders said Sunday (3/22/98) that President Bill Clinton's intention to invoke executive privilege in independent counsel Ken Starr's probe is a mistake.

"Surely they understand it's not going to be well-received", Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott told NBC's Meet the Press. "I think it will damage [their] credibility. It looks like they are hiding something."

House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, appearing on CNN's Late Edition, agreed, saying the prospect of executive privilege "gravely concerned" him.

"What have they got to hide if they're asking for executive privilege? Executive privilege is reserved for national security issues, not for personal conduct", the Texas Republican said. "The consequences that are coming out of this will be permanent consequences in denigrating the office of the presidency."

Full Article or Local Copy

And what do these two have to say about Bushit's invocation of 'Executive Privilege'? Zip, nada, nothing! Where is their outrage now that it's one of their own? Non-existent.


8:31 AM 2/2/02
No Value for Their Money

By: Bridget Gibson & James G. Wilson  Liberal Slant

Public opinion of Bill Clinton and his extended family was shaped largely by tales of their private lives. The conservative media hammered away mercilessly at them with every rumor, innuendo and outright lie imaginable. Now we are supposed to turn the other cheek and let George W. Bush and his family rule in peace? We don't think so.

If these questions were appropriate regarding the Clinton family, there is no reason to believe that they are now "inappropriate" regarding the Bush family. To ignore reality will make one delusional and ill-informed. It is important that the behaviors of our nation's leaders be examined closely so that we can be certain that our country is being led by one that is capable of leading.

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11:41 PM 2/1/02
'Heartland Values' Again?

By: Robert Parry

George W. Bush is back on the road, flattering the nation's "heartland" as a place where people appreciate the values of "family and faith, of personal responsibility and hard work". The implicit message is that Bush still finds those values lacking in coastal cities, despite the events of Sept. 11.

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5:07 PM 2/1/02
The Righteousness Brothers at it Again

By: Gene Lyons  BartCop

In the commercial, all heartwarming front porches and grampaw and grammaw and cute kids and leafy country roads and pickup trucks, Hutchinson reminds us about something called the "Social Security Benefits Guarantee Act". Thanks to Sen. Tim, old folks can rest easy. Their payroll taxes won't be squandered on tax refunds for George W. Bush's campaign contributors. No yachts, no second homes in Aspen. at grampaw and grammaw's expense, no sir. Sen. Tim has done rode to the rescue.

An innocent bystander might wonder if Hutchinson was fixing to run against Pryor in the Democratic primary. Except, get this, there's no such law as the "Social Security Benefits Guarantee Act". It exists purely as a figment of his imagination. Hutchinson introduced it as SB 806 on May 1, 2001. With no co-sponsors in either party, it's defunct - an election-year shuttlecock batted into the air to fall harmlessly to the ground. Even if enacted, John Brummett pointed out in the Arkansas Times, the government would send you a meaningless IOU. Period.

Then there's Asa, the drug warrior. So far his biggest accomplishment has been a fiat banning hempseed oil from potato chips because it's derived from the same species of plant as marijuana. As Dave Barry says, I am not making this up. Nor that Asa's boss, Attorney General John Ashcroft, has ordered $8000 drapes to hide a naked female breast on an art deco statue at the Justice Department. Wouldn't a WonderBra be cheaper?

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